Shanghai Man Does Massages on Larchmont

Note: the 20% off sign is not his, but refers to Radiance of Life’s specials.

Massage Guy at Larchmont on Sundays

I first met him in October and learned he was from mainland China. In November, I confirmed he is a Shanghai native (distinctive accent while speaking Mandarin). His name is still a mystery!

Massaging Man in Larchmont Village

He has his massage chair set up in front of Radiance of Life Day Spa every Sunday during the Larchmont Farmers’ Market. A ten-minute massage is 12 dollars, fifteen minutes is $15.

Massage Price List


He’s raised his price for the 10-minute massage. It was just  $10 in October.
But still a deal.

In the boxes are bottles of pain-soothing liniment that he also sells.

Cell phone number: (626) 318-2289.

Pictures taken on December 20, 2009.