Mini Poinsettias at Larchmont Village Florist
Published on: Dec 18, 2009
These are the cutest things.
Self-Watering Mini Poinsettias at Larchmont Village Florist
Price: just $7.50 each!
Address: 234 N Larchmont Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90004
Location: between Beverly Boulevard and First Street
East side of street, next to Pinkberry
UPDATE: Village Florist has moved to a few blocks north of Beverly!
Phone Number: (323) 464-8146
Hours Open: 9 am – 6 pm, Monday – Saturday
Forms of Payment: accepts cash and credit cards
Appointments? Not necessary. Just drop in.
Services: floral arrangements with roses, peonies, calla lilies, amaryllis, pine cones…
Parking: street Accessibility: ok for wheelchairs
Photo taken 8 days before Christmas!