Saint Brendan School

Catholic elementary school

Address: 238 S Manhattan Place
Los Angeles, CA 90004

Phone: (213) 382-7401

Saint Brendan is under the supervision of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

The school has 304 students in grades K-8 with a student-teacher ratio of 22 to 1.

Saint Brendan School is located by the Nat King Cole Post Office on 3rd & Western, a few blocks east of Larchmont Bouevard and Saint Brendan’s Church on Van Ness Avenue.

Skills Every Student Should Focus on While Planning to Study Abroad

According to student demographics data, St. Brendan School has a racially and ethnically diverse student body, with significant percentages of White (34.3%), Asian (28.7%), Multiracial (16.5%), Pacific Islander (9.6%), Hispanic (9.2%), and African American (1.7%) students.

The school’s mission statement emphasizes serving “the diverse people of the parish in the spirit of proclaiming the Gospel, building faith community and rendering Christian service.” Additionally, one of the school’s Student Learning Expectations (SLEs) states that a Saint Brendan student “respects diversity and maintains an inclusive school culture.”