Larchmont Village Florist
The local florist since 1996
Address: 420 N Larchmont Blvd
Phone number: (323) 464-8146
Just a few steps from Larchmont Boulevard are two restaurants with two Michelin stars! ★ ★
☆ Kali and Providence ☆
Michelin stars are considered the highest honor in the culinary world, recognizing a restaurant for exceptional cuisine and mastery of cooking techniques. Even a single star brings immense recognition and prestige to the establishment.
The local florist since 1996
Address: 420 N Larchmont Blvd
Phone number: (323) 464-8146
Casual coastal Californian all-day café
Address: 244 N Larchmont Blvd
Phone number: (323) 745-5059
Grab-and-go Szechuan Chinese meals
Address: 144 N Larchmont Blvd
Phone number: (323) 498-0044
NY-style pizza 🍕
Address: 131 N Larchmont Blvd
Phone number: (323) 465-5566
Newspapers and magazines
Address: 226 N Larchmont Blvd
Phone number: (323) 464-6397
The oldest independent bookstore in Los Angeles
New Address: 133 N Larchmont Blvd
Phone Number: (323) 465-1334
Everything gluten-free and vegan 🌱
Address: 236 N Larchmont Blvd
Phone number: (855) 462-2292
NW corner of Larchmont and Beverly
Address: 321 N Larchmont Blvd
Phone number: (323) 466-0107
Bar at the Hollywood Historic Hotel
Address: 5168 Melrose Ave 90038
Phone number: (323) 645-5225
Monte Cristo Island Apartments
Address: 5162 Melrose Avenue
Phone number: (800) 515-1333
Modern Italian tavern serving old-country favorites with focus on California ingredients
Address: 5722 Melrose Avenue 90038
Phone number: (323) 462-1900
The Sandwich Shop 🥪
Address: 223 N Larchmont Blvd
Phone Number: (323) 856-8699
Coffee shop that just opened by Larchmont in 2024
Address: 5630 Melrose Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90038
50s-style diner with drive-thru by Paramount Studios
Address: 5601 Melrose Ave 90038
Phone number: (323) 469-1924
California cuisine with Michelin rating
Address: 5722 Melrose Avenue
Phone number: (323) 871-4160
Vegan coconut-based ice cream with Indonesian-inspired flavors
Address: 5630 Melrose Avenue 90038
Farm-grown happiness in every bite. Arnett Farms is one of the longstanding vendors of the Larchmont Farmers Market, with a presence of over 15 years.
Opening soon @ Melrose & Cahuenga
Italian restaurant serving the authentic taste of the Veneto region
Address: 5732 Melrose Avenue
Phone Number: (323) 284-7060
Peruvian Restaurant
Address: 5870 Melrose Avenue 90038
Phone number: (323) 962-2027
Homemade tortillas, micheladas
Address: 5870 Melrose Avenue 90038
Phone number: (323) 468-9345
At the Hollywood Historic Hotel on Wilton Place
Address: 5174 Melrose Ave 90038
Phone number: (323) 990-3800
Dine-in and takeout restaurant
Address: 5786 Melrose Avenue
Phone number: (323) 466-4181
Hancock Park Plaza
Address: 5770 Melrose Avenue 90038
Phone number: (323) 848-4523
Seafood-focused menu
Address: 5955 Melrose Avenue 90038
Phone number: (323) 460-4170
Digital Cinema/Motion Picture Film Equipment
Address: 5625 Melrose Ave 90038
Phone number: (323) 466-3561
Watch the trailer to Erin McKenna’s newest book… Bread & Butter!